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Manages the state of the One Tap Bottom Sheet. Should be created with rememberOneTapBottomSheetState

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Enumerates various scenarios for the One Tap authentication process.


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fun OneTapBottomSheet(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, state: OneTapBottomSheetState = rememberOneTapBottomSheetState(), serviceName: String, scenario: OneTapScenario = OneTapScenario.EnterService, autoHideOnSuccess: Boolean = true, onAuth: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, accessToken: AccessToken) -> Unit, onAuthCode: (data: AuthCodeData, isCompletion: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onFail: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, fail: VKIDAuthFail) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, oAuths: Set<OneTapOAuth> = emptySet(), style: OneTapBottomSheetStyle = OneTapBottomSheetStyle.Light(), authParams: VKIDAuthUiParams = VKIDAuthUiParams {}, fastAuthEnabled: Boolean = true)
fun OneTapBottomSheet(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, state: OneTapBottomSheetState = rememberOneTapBottomSheetState(), serviceName: String, scenario: OneTapScenario = OneTapScenario.EnterService, autoHideOnSuccess: Boolean = true, onAuth: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, accessToken: AccessToken) -> Unit, onAuthCode: (data: AuthCodeData, isCompletion: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onFail: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, fail: VKIDAuthFail) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, oAuths: Set<OneTapOAuth> = emptySet(), style: OneTapBottomSheetStyle = OneTapBottomSheetStyle.Light(), authParams: VKIDAuthUiParams = VKIDAuthUiParams {}, fastAuthEnabled: Boolean = true, autoShowSheetDelayMillis: Long? = null)

Composable function to display a bottom sheet for VKID One Tap authentication with multibranding.

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Composable function which creates a state for OneTapBottomSheet and can be used as state parameter.