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Represents a scenario for which OneTap is used which affects OneTap's title.


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fun OneTap(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: OneTapStyle = OneTapStyle.Light(), onAuth: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, accessToken: AccessToken) -> Unit, onAuthCode: (data: AuthCodeData, isCompletion: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onFail: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, fail: VKIDAuthFail) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, oAuths: Set<OneTapOAuth> = emptySet(), fastAuthEnabled: Boolean = true, signInAnotherAccountButtonEnabled: Boolean = false, authParams: VKIDAuthUiParams = VKIDAuthUiParams {})
fun OneTap(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, style: OneTapStyle = OneTapStyle.Light(), onAuth: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, accessToken: AccessToken) -> Unit, onAuthCode: (data: AuthCodeData, isCompletion: Boolean) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, onFail: (oAuth: OneTapOAuth?, fail: VKIDAuthFail) -> Unit = { _, _ -> }, oAuths: Set<OneTapOAuth> = emptySet(), fastAuthEnabled: Boolean = true, signInAnotherAccountButtonEnabled: Boolean = false, authParams: VKIDAuthUiParams = VKIDAuthUiParams {}, scenario: OneTapTitleScenario = OneTapTitleScenario.SignIn)

Composable function to display a VKID One Tap login interface with multibranding. For more information how to integrate VK ID Authentication check docs