Package-level declarations


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Represents an access token for VK ID authentication.

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enum OAuth : Enum<OAuth>

Represent an OAuth provider that can be used for authorization.

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Represents a refresh token for VK ID authentication.

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class VKID

VKID is the main entry point for integrating VK ID authentication into an Android application. Check readme for more information about integration steps

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sealed class VKIDAuthFail

Represents the failure cases for VK ID authentication.

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sealed class VKIDFetchUserFail

Represents the failure cases for fetching user data in VK ID.

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class VKIDUser(val firstName: String, val lastName: String, val phone: String? = null, val photo50: String? = null, val photo100: String? = null, val photo200: String? = null, val email: String? = null) : Parcelable

Represents a user in the VK ID.