Strict typing increases performance

If you want performance — write types everywhere.

PHP is not designed for typing, even type hints

Typical programming on PHP doesn't require a developer to think about types. You use numeric strings as integers, you mix different results into one hashmap.

// we know, that it's a number, but it's a numeric string at runtime
$user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
// we add string and integers
$friend_id = 100 + $user_id;
// we compare strings and integers
if ($user_id == $friend_id) { }
// we mix strings, integers and other types easily
$result = [
  'id' => $friend_id,
  'name' => "Alice",
  'deleted' => false,
  'friends' => [...]

PHP 7 introduces type hints, but…

function lookupUser(int $user_id) { /* */ }

// it's a string! numeric, but still string
$user_id = $_GET['user_id'];
// passed 'string' to 'int'! No warnings... PHP feels ok 

KPHP urges you to think about types

The example above won't compile with KPHP:

Argument $user_id of function lookupUser(): expected int, got mixed

You'll need to fix it:

$user_id = (int)$_GET['user_id'];
lookupUser($user_id);  // now ok

If you use PHP 7 type hints for function arguments / return value — all type correspondence must be satisfied. If you don't write type hints, use PHPDoc.

KPHP has a ‘mixed' type

mixed == (int OR float OR bool OR null OR string OR array of mixed)

If you have an existing PHP project, probably most of your code turns out to be mixed.

mixed is slow, better use accurate types

KPHP mixed implementation is much more lightweight than PHP ZVAL, but still: the less you use it, the better performance is. int is better than mixed, int[] is much better than mixed[].

Why mixed is slow? The first, memory: it can carry any value. The second, execution:

$a + $b
  • if $a and $b are int, it is one assembler instruction
  • if $a and $b are mixed, it is executed like this: is $a string? is $a array? is $a int? ok, $a is int, and $b? is $b string? is $b array?..

And this is true, conditions need to be handled, because $a + $b may be adding strings, may be adding arrays — we don't know this at compile-time.

For a practice demonstration, that mixed is slow, consider this article in the middle.

mixed arguments are bad, they require runtime conversion

If a function accepts mixed and you pass int there, this int has to be converted to mixed at runtime.

// suppose $arg was inferred as mixed
function f($arg) { /* ... */ }

f(42);    // this int needs to be wrapped to 'mixed' container and immediately destroyed after

If you pass int[] to mixed — every element needs to be converted, which can also slow down performance.

// suppose $arg was inferred as mixed
function f($arg) { /* ... */ }

f([1,2,3]);  // this leads to int[] -> mixed[] -> mixed runtime conversion; for big arrays takes time

Unnoticable in every particular place, using mixed everywhere is significant in total.
Code with lots of mixed will run probably faster than PHP, but if you want to make it much faster, you should gradually rewrite it, making types be inferred more accurately.

Where do mixed come from?

Usually mixed come from arrays with differently typed values.

// user is mixed[]
$user = [
  'id' => 1,
  'name' => "Alice"
// $user[*] is mixed
$id   = $user['id'];    // mixed
$name = $user['name'];  // mixed
$first_char = $name[0]; // mixed

foreach ($user as $k => $v) {
  // $v is mixed, as $user is mixed[]
  // $k is mixed, as all keys of PHP arrays can be int|string

Superglobals like $_GET, $_POST and others are mixed[].

Second, mixed occurs when writing various types into one variable:

$result = 'str';
if (some()) {
  $result = true; 
// $result infers as mixed 

Third, mixed is inferred if you pass different types to a function:

function f($arg) { /* ... */ }

// $arg is mixed

Use type hints or @param / @return in function declaration to be sure of types.

Casting mixed to accurate types

You can use standard PHP operators like (int) to cast:

$m = getSomeMixed();
(array)$m; // mixed[]

If $m is for example [1,2,3], (string)$m will return "Array" and produce a warning, just as in PHP.

You'll need casting to assign mixed to accurate primitive types:

function f(int $x) { } 

$m = getSomeMixed();
f($m);      // compilation error
f((int)$m); // ok

Casting a numeric string to (int) works fine too. Casting to (bool) returns boolval depending on the runtime type.

Consider an article about type casting as well.

Avoid unexpected mixed, use PHPDoc

Always use @param / @return (or type hints) for functions to get compilation errors when type rules are broken.

While optional, using @var for local variables is a good practice. This prevents type from occasional change.

For example, you had an array:

// inferred as int[]
$admin_ids = [

Then later you write

// suppose $config is mixed[]
// now $admin_ids infers as mixed[], not int[]!
$admin_ids[] = $config['cluster_owner_id'];

Type of $admin_ids is now mixed[] occasionally, but you didn't expect it, you probably will never notice.

To ensure the type, you can specify it explicitly:

/** @var int[] $admin_ids */
$admin_ids = [ ... ];

Now you'll get a compilation error, that $admin_ids expected to be int[], but inferred mixed[]. How to fix:

// now ok, $admin_ids[] remains int[]
$admin_ids[] = (int)$config['cluster_owner_id'];

Consider an article about using PHPDoc as well.

Use typed arrays, not just ‘array'

When declaring @param for array argument, a suggested approach is to specify its type:

 * @param string[] $names
function f(array $names) {}

If you write just ‘array', an array of any type is supposed:

function f1(array $arr1) {}
function f2(array $arr2) {}



// as a result,
// $arr1 will be inferred 'mixed[]'
// $arr2 will be inferred 'int[]'

So, ‘array' means “it should definitely be an array, but an array of what type — doesn't matter”.
Even if you intentionally accept mixed[], better specify it explicitly to emphasize.

Instances are much better than associative arrays

Consider an article about instances.

Why do instances consume much less memory and perform much faster?

  • while all elements of hashtable have one type array<T>, every field of instances has its own type
  • classes are codegenerated to native C++ structures with refcounter wrapper, not a hashtable
  • that's why accessing an instance field is just getting compile-time known offset from memory, whereas accessing arrays leads to hash calculating, buckets lookup, etc
  • instances consume times less memory than associative arrays
  • instances are reference types, not copy-on-write
  • you get IDE autocompletion and find usages

KPHP supports almost all PHP features: inheritance, interfaces, traits, etc.

But instances have a strong limitation: it is not a subtype of mixed:

  • you can not assign an instance and int to the same variable
  • you can not pass an instance and a string to the same function argument
  • you can not insert an instance and a number into the same array
  • var_dump(), json_encode(), serialize() work only for mixed, not instances
// ok for PHP, not ok for KPHP
$result = [
  'mode' => $_GET['mode'],
  'hash' => substr(getCurrentAccessToken(), 0, -2),
  'user_info' => new User((int)$_GET['id']),

Even simple PHP-way approaches become incorrect: here you create an array with both primitives and User, this is incorrect from the type system view and leads to compilation errors.

How to solve this problem?

  • Create a wrapper class with 3 typed fields: mixed $mode, string|false $hash, User $user
  • Use tuples
  • Use shapes
  • Use to_array_debug(), recommended only for debug and logging purposes

An article about the type system explains all these words.

Configure KPHP to deny untyped code

Turn on some options, and KPHP will force you to declare @param / type hint / etc. everywhere.

This is explained in an article about declaring types.

If you install KPHPStorm (plugin for IDE), it will show you when you miss type declarations.

Always treat KPHP like any other compiled language, and all limitations and errors will become obvious.