PHPDoc is the way you declare types

We have already discussed, that if you omit types, KPHP will infer them.
But teach yourself to write types manually — and have more intelligent code with compiler type checks.

There are 2 ways to declare types:

  • using PHPDoc — you can express almost any supported type
  • using PHP 7 type hints — a very limited syntax, but suitable for simple cases

PHPDoc: @var, @param, @return

Let's start with an example:

 * @param int|false $user_id if false, current id used
 * @return User|null
function loadUser($user_id = false) {
  if (!$user_id) {
    $user_id = getCurrentUserId();  
  $db_response = executeQueryLoadingUser((int)$user_id);
  if (!is_array($db_response)) {
    return null;
  return User::createFromDbResponse($db_response);

loadUser($_GET['user_id']);        // (1) error! passing mixed to int|false
loadUser((int)$_GET['user_id']);   // (2) correct

Without PHPDoc, line (1) will be OK, just argument $user_id will be inferred as mixed.
With PHPDoc, you get an error on (1). This means: if successfully compiled, all types satisfy declarations.

@return is also checked:

 * @return float[]
function getCoefficients() {
  $coeff = [1, 2.5];
  if (isset($_GET['multiplicator'])) {
    $coeff[0] *= $_GET['multiplicator'];  // turns to mixed[]
  return $coeff; // error

This will lead to a compilation error, as $coeff will be inferred mixed[], whereas function declared float[].
Without PHPDoc, getCoefficients() will be just inferred mixed[]. PHPDoc protects you from type spoiling.

This code can be corrected like this:

    $coeff[0] *= (float)$_GET['multiplicator'];

When you declare classes, @var is used to declare fields:

class User {
  /** @var ?int */
  public $id = null;
  /** @var string */
  public $name = "";
  /** @var User[] cached already loaded users: map [id=>User] */
  static private $cache = [];

And again, if you assign incorrect types to fields — PHPDoc types won't match inferred — you'll get an error. If compiled, fields' types are just the same as been written.

Though optional, you can use PHPDoc for local vars / global vars / static vars:

function some() {
  /** @var float[] $coeff */
  $coeff = [];
  $coeff[] = 1;     // ok
  $coeff[] = "3.5"; // error

/** @var int|false $CurrentId */
$CurrentId = false;

PHPDoc for a local var prevents it from splitting:

function some() {
  /** @var string $hash */
  $hash = (string)$_GET['hash'];
  /* ... */
  $hash = calcAnotherHashOrNull();  // error: ?string assigned to string

Without PHPDoc, $hash will be split to 2 variables — string and ?string (described earlier). You can split manually:

function some() {
  /** @var string $hash */
  $hash = (string)$_GET['hash'];
  /* ... */
  /** @var ?string $hash */
  $hash = calcAnotherHashOrNull();  // ok 

But generally speaking, using one name for logically different variables with different types is a bad practice.

If @var PHPDoc is just above assignment to local var, $var_name can be omitted, as it is clear from context:

/** @var int|false */
$pos = strpos("hello", "h");

You can mix comments with types:

@param {type} $var_name optional comment
@return {type} optional comment
@var {type} optional comment
@var {type} $var_name optional comment

Types and var names can be swapped, but not recommended:

// swapping not recommended! mostly for compatibility with existing code
@param $var_name {type} optional comment
@var $var_name {type} optional comment

That's why you can't just write comments (without types), as first part of comment will be treated as type:

// wrong! comment will be parsed as {type} and most likely end up with error
@param $var_name comment

When a function has multiple arguments, specify @param for every of them separately:

 * @param int $a
 * @param int $b
 * @return int
function sum($a, $b) { return $a + $b; }

If you want to specify mixed type, you just say mixed:

 * @param mixed $options
 * @return mixed[] 
function prepareSearch($options) { return [$options['q']]; }

If you used PHPDocs earlier in plain PHP, you probably got used, that ‘mixed' in PHPDocs means ‘anything'.
But in KPHP, mixed is a type, so you can pass only arguments convertable to mixed.

Since mixed is a mixture of any primitive types (numbers and strings for example), int|string is mixed indeed.

 * @param int|string $m
function acceptsMixed($m) { }

acceptsMixed(5);           // ok
acceptsMixed(getMixed());  // ok, though not int|string
acceptsMixed([1,2,3]);     // ok, int[] is convertible to mixed, though not int|string
acceptsMixed(new User);    // error, instances are not compatible with mixed

If you don't specify @param for some arguments, they will be automatically inferred. (but don't do this)

 * @param int[] $a
 * @param ?bool $c
function f($a, $b, $c) {}
// type of $b is automatically inferred, but it smells badly

PHPDocs for arrays help to deal with Unknown type. Imagine you are creating a function with $options array parameter, but this parameter is never passed yet:

function renderMessageRow($row, $options = []) {
  if ($options['wrap_with_div']) {
    // ...
  /* ... */

renderMessageRow($row1);    // $options not passed
renderMessageRow($row2);    // $options again not passed, never

Without PHPDoc, KPHP can't infer type of $options[*], cause $options is constantly empty, type of its element is unknown. Specifying PHPDoc helps:

 * @param bool[] $options or mixed[]? you better know
function renderMessageRow($row, $options = []) { /* ... */ }

PHPDocs can express any complex type supported by KPHP (see next chapter). They are applicable to arguments, return, class vars, local vars, globals, etc.
But for simple primitives, you can use PHP 7 type hints instead.

PHP 7 type hints

Type hints are more lightweight and are preferred to be used for primitives. They work just as PHPDocs and lead to errors if passed incorrectly:

function f(?string $b): int {
  return 3.4 * 2;  // compilation error

f(42);  // compilation error 

PHP itself checks type hints at runtime, but of course, if PHP code works, it might be not compiled:

function f(int $x) {}

f(42);               // ok for PHP and KPHP
f("42");             // ok for PHP o_O (since string is numeric), error in KPHP: string instead of int
f($_GET['id']);      // ok for PHP if string is numeric, error in KPHP: mixed instead of int

You can't express int[] with type hint, as long as int|false (until PHP 8 at least). Use PHPDoc for such arguments, combining with type hints:

 * @param int|false $friend_id
 * @param bool[][] $bool_sub_options
 * @return mixed
function f(int $my_id, $friend_id, float $coeff, $bool_sub_options) {}

Instances in type hints are supported. Be careful: null is OK for KPHP as instance, but not for PHP.

function f(CounterInterface $i): ?B { return null; }

f(new IntCounter);        // ok
f(new User);              // error unless User implements CounterInterface
f(null);                  // ok for KPHP, runtime error in PHP (?CounterInterface will fix PHP)

There is array type hint. For KPHP, it means array of any type (as it will be automatically inferred):

function f1(array $a1) {}
function f2(array $a2) {}

f1(["1", "2", "3"]);
f2([new User]);

$a1 will be inferred mixed[], $a2 will be inferred User[].

A suggestion is to use @param and array type hint simultaneously to control array types:

 * @param int[][] $a1  
function f1(array $a1) {}

f1([[1],[2],[3]]);                              // ok
f1([['k1' => 1],['k2' => 2],['k3' => 3], []]);  // ok
f1(["1", "2", "3"]);                            // compilation error

If a type hint exists for an argument, and you want to add comment in PHPDoc, you should duplicate its type:

 * @param int $x Positive integer
function f(int $x) {}

If you don't duplicate type, parsing will wait, treating comment as type:

// error! Unknown class Positive
 * @param $x Positive integer

Type hints for lambdas also work:

array_map(function(int $v): int { return $v + 1; }, $arr);     // ok
array_map(function(int $v): string { return $v + 1; }, $arr);  // compilation error

If you specify neither type hint nor @param, the argument will be automatically inferred. Again, it's a bad practice.

KPHP supports the following type hints: int, bool, float, array, string, callable, classes/interfaces, nullable type hints. object is not supported, as instances are strictly typed, you can't pass “any object”.

If @var/@param/@return is incorrect, or if type hint is incorrect, compilation will fail.
This means, that probably lots of PHPDocs in your existing code should be fixed, as they won’t match inferred.

Compiler options to deny untyped code

There are two compiler options, 0 by default, but recommended being set to 1:

If 0 (default):

  • if @param or type hint exists, it is checked; else, the type of argument is auto inferred
  • if @return or return hint exists, it is checked; else, the return of function is auto inferred

If 1 (recommended):

  • if neither @param nor type hint exists, you get a compilation error: arguments typing is a must
  • if neither @return nor return hint exists, void is assumed: return typing is a must unless void
  • lambdas can still be left untyped (so, this applies to named functions only)

If 0 (default):

  • if @var exists for a field, it is checked; else, the type of this field is auto inferred

If 1 (recommended):

  • typing fields is a must — both static and instance fields
    • either you lock type with @var
    • or with a default value (more details in instances article)

  • declare types for all arguments: either @param or type hint
  • declare return type for functions unless void: either @return or return hint
  • declare types for class fields: either @var or a default value if option above is 1
  • optionally: declare types for local / global / static vars with @var

Recommended to assign 1 to both options mentioned above — and always use manual typing.

Now take a look, what types exist in KPHP, how they are produced, and how expressed in PHPDoc.