Generic functions f<T>()

Many languages have generics, but PHP has not: you just pass/store anything/anywhere.
In KPHP, you should deal with the type system, like in any other compilable language.

KPHP brings full support of generic functions, including primitives, auto-reification, guards, and special PHP instantiation syntax.

The need of generics for strict typing

Any function accepts typed arguments. If classes A and B both have a method doSmth(), and we want to write

function f($obj) {

Then how to express @param $obj?

  • If A and B implement the same interface having such method — then $obj is I.
  • If A and B extend the same base class having such method — then $obj is Base.
  • But if A and B have nothing in common, $obj doesn't have a valid type, since A|B is invalid.

Another example: about custom array_map() implementation. How to declare it?

function my_map(array $a, callable $cb) { 
  $result = [];
  foreach ($a as $k => $v)
    $result[$k] = $cb($v);
  return $result; 

Since it's a regular function, and the types are auto inferred unless declared, as a union of all available cases:

my_map([1,2,3], ...);   // $a: int[]
my_map(['str'], ...);   // $a: string[], combined with int[] => inferred as mixed[]
my_map([new A], ...);   // $a: A[], combined with mixed[] => compilation error

Generic function solve these problems. You expose these functions as generic:

// pseudocode
function f<T>(T $obj): void;
function my_map<TElem, TOut>(TElem[] $a, callable(TElem):TOut $cb): TOut[];

What is a generic function

As you've seen above, a generic function allows you to have duck typing. In pseudocode, you'd write:

// pseudocode
function f<T>(T $obj) {

There may be many Ts, and parameters can depend from Ts in any way:

// pseudocode
function filterGreater<T>(T[] $arr, int $level=0) { ... }
function acceptTuple<T1,T2>(tuple(T1,T2) $t) { ... }

When you call such functions, you either assume a compiler to guess Ts, or provide them manually:

// pseudocode
f(new A);                   // calls f<A>
f<A[][]>([]);               // calls f<A[][]>
filterGreater($a->ints);    // calls filterGreater<int>
filterGreater<string>([]);  // calls filterGreater<string>

When you operate generic functions in KPHP, think of them in exactly the same way. But keep in mind, that syntax is invalid for PHP, that's why

  • in declaration, you write @kphp-generic T instead of f<T>
  • in declaration, you write @param T[] $arr instead of T[] $arr
  • in a call, you write /*<string>*/ instead of <string>

@kphp-generic, @param and @return

Let's write eq() function that takes any value and returns itself:

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T $value
 * @return T
function eq($value) {
  return $value;

It's exactly what we want to express:

// pseudocode
function eq<T>(T $value): T {
  return $value;

Note, that regular @param/@return tags are used, not @kphp-param or similar — because having @kphp-generic written, T is parsed as generic T, not as class T.

When calling eq(), T could be any type (an instance, an array of something, a primitive, etc.):

class A {
  public int $i;
  /** @var tuple(int, string) */
  public $t;

eq($a);             // eq<A>
eq(['s']);          // eq<string[]>
eq($a->t);          // eq<tuple(int,string)>
eq([getA()]);       // eq<A[]>

@var can contain T

In a function body, T is also a valid type inside PHPDocs, in @var particularly.

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T $obj
 * @return T
function my_clone($obj) {
  /** @var T */
  $clone = clone $obj;
  return $clone;

T[], callable(T), etc.

Let's write my_array_filter():

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T[] $arr
 * @param callable(T):bool $callback
 * @return T[]
function my_array_filter($arr, $callback) {
  /** @var T[] */
  $result = [];
  foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
    if ($callback($v))
      $result[$k] = $v;
  return $result;

Here T is not the type of an argument, but the type of array elements, and also is used in a callable. my_array_filter<int> accepts int[], and so on.

Another example:

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param future<T>[] $resumables
 * @return T[]
function wait_all(...$resumables) {
  $answers = [];
  foreach ($resumables as $key => $resumable)
    $answers[$key] = wait($resumable);
  return $answers;


When you call any generic function, KPHP deduces T at exact call. Decucing generic types is called “reification”.

my_array_filter([1,2,3], fn($i) => $i < 3);         // T=int, return=int[]
my_array_filter([getA()], function($a) {            // T=A, return=A[]
  return $a->isValid();   // KPHP understands that $a is A because of callable(T)
my_array_filter([[1]], fn($ar) => count($ar)>0);    // T=int[], return=int[][]

In short, to perform reification, we use assumptions: having T $arg and f(any_expr), calc T=(assumption of any_expr). That's why it perfectly works for instances and partially works for primitives:

f($a)           // T=A
f(1)            // T=int
f(getIntArr())  // T=int[]
f($obj->field)  // T=@var above field
f($int)         // can't reify T unless explicit @var set, because assumptions for vars-primitives aren't stored

Sometimes, T can't be automatically detected:

my_array_filter(1, ...);            // can't reify T, argument is not an array
my_array_filter([], ...);           // can't reify T from empty array
eq(null);                           // can't reify T, not enough information

Manual /*<…>*/ providing syntax

When T can't be auto reified, a PHP programmer can provide them manually:

my_array_filter/*<int>*/([], ...);          // [] is int[]
my_array_filter/*<A>*/([], fn($a) => $a);   // [] is A[], $a is A
eq/*<A>*/(null);                            // null treated as A (instances are nullable)
eq/*<?int>*/(null);                         // null treated as ?int
eq/*<int>*/(null);                          // error on type checking: passing null to int

So, for PHP it's just a regular comment and doesn't affect behavior (and highlighted as a comment in IDE), but KPHP treats it as a special syntax.

Sometimes, /*<...>*/ could be used intentionally even if it can be reified, to make your code more readable.

Inside generic functions, T is also allowed inside these brackets when calling another generic function:

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T $obj
function firstGenericFn($obj) {

Multiple Ts at declaration

@kphp-generic lists all Ts, separated by comma. Say, we want to implement such a function

// pseudocode
function ofSameClass<T1, T2>(T1 $o1, T2 $o2): bool {
  return $o1 && $o2 && get_class($o1) === get_class($o2);

We do pretty much the same using PHPDoc syntax:

 * @kphp-generic T1, T2
 * @param T1 $o1
 * @param T2 $o2
function ofSameClass($o1, $o2): bool {
  return $o1 && $o2 && get_class($o1) === get_class($o2);

As earlier, they are auto-reified:

ofSameClass(new A, new B);      // ofSameClass<A, B>
ofSameClass(new A, null);       // error: T2 can't be reified

A /*<...>*/ syntax also accepts a comma:

ofSameClass/*<A, B>*/(new A, null);

extends condition `T: SomeInterface`

We can restrict any T to deny passing arbitrary classes, but still leave a function generic:

 * @kphp-generic T: SomeInterface
 * @param T $obj
function f($obj) { ... }

f(new Impl1);   // ok
f(new A);       // error, A doesn't fit the condition

A condition to the right of ‘:' doesn't have to be a valid type from the point of view of type system: it's a guard, not a type. Hence, you can mix unrelated interfaces, the only criteria is that your code is still compiled after generics instantiation:

@kphp-generic T: ISignalParam | IApiParam

A condition may also contain primitives — for example, to allow only clean types, not mixed (as you remember, every generic instantiation is compiled to a separate C++ function):

@kphp-generic T: int|string|float|null
@kphp-generic T: Stringable | string

When multiple Ts, any of them can contain a separate condition:

@kphp-generic TKey, TValue: IValue
@kphp-generic TKey: int|string, TValue: IValue

Default value `T = def`

Besides extends hint, there is a ‘=' syntax to provide a default hint:

@kphp-generic T1, T2 = mixed   // T1 required, T2 has a default

It will be especially useful with generic classes in the future:

@kphp-generic T, TCont = Container<T>

When both extends and default exist, a default must be the last:

@kphp-generic TValue, TErr : \Err = \Err

Default types are applied when T can't be reified and is not provided manually.

 * @kphp-generic T = \Exception
 * @param ?T $obj
function logMessage($obj = null) {
  if ($obj !== null)
    echo $obj->getMessage(), "\n";

logMessage(null);       // logMessage<Exception>

When multiple Ts, the latter T may have a default depending on the earlier:

@kphp-generic T1, T2 = T1, T3 = T2|T1

Default Ts can be omitted on a call size with /*<...>*/ syntax:

fWithT123/*<T1>*/();        // T2 and T3 from default
fWithT123/*<T1, T2>*/();    // T3 from default

`callable` keyword

A callable argument actually implicitly turns a function into generic:

function f(callable $cb) {}

// is the same as
 * @kphp-generic CallbackT: callable
 * @param CallbackT $cb
function f($cb) {}

callable as extends hint means that plain objects / primitives can't be passed to a function.

`object` keyword

KPHP supports object keyword for arguments that acts like untyped callable, turning a function into generic:

function f(object $obj) {

// is the same as
 * @kphp-generic T: object
 * @param T $obj
function f($obj);

object as extends hint means that a type must be any instance, it can't be a primitive, an array, etc.

Besides a PHP keyword, you can of course use T:object manually, disallowing passing primitives:

 * @kphp-generic T: object
 * @param T[] $arr_of
function f($arr_of);


Some built-in functions accept A::class and return A. We can describe the same behavior using generics.

Say, we want to implement my_cast() that performs checks:

// pseudocode
function my_cast<T, DstClass>(T $obj, ??? $class_name): DstClass {
  $casted = instance_cast($obj, $class_name);
  if ($casted === null)
    throw new Exception;
  return $casted;

We want it to be used as my_cast($obj, B::class) so that it returns B, as $class_name is a compile-time information during instantiation.

Here's how we can do this:

 * @kphp-generic T, DstClass
 * @param T $obj
 * @param class-string<DstClass> $class_name
 * @return DstClass

Some::class is auto-reified as Some when matched by class-string<T>.

Here is another example:

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param class-string<T> $cl
 * @return T[]
function emptyArrayOf($cl) {
  return [];

emptyArrayOf(A::class);     // A[]
emptyArrayOf(SomeI::class); // SomeI[]


If class-string<T> is a TYPE providing compile-time information, classof($obj) is an EXPRESSION providing compile-time information if type of $obj is compile-time known at the point we are instantiating generics.

classof($obj) is a keyword returning class-string<>, so it's possible to do this:

 * @kphp-generic T: object
 * @param T $obj
 * @return T[]
function emptyArrayLike($obj) {
  return emptyArrayOf(classof($obj));

Another example:

function getSignalByName(string $signal_name): ISignal { ... }

 * @kphp-generic T: ISignal
 * @param T $arg
 * @param callable(T):void $handler
function addHandler(string $signal_name, $arg, $handler) {
  $signal = getSignalByName($signal_name);            // ISignal
  $casted = instance_cast($signal, classof($arg));    // T

addHandler('f1', new Impl1, function(Impl1 $p) { ... });
addHandler('f1', new Impl2, function(Impl2 $p) { ... });

Auto-reification from callable return

Now it's possible to create my_map() function:

 * @kphp-generic TElem, TOut
 * @param callable(TElem):TOut $callback
 * @param TElem[] $arr
 * @return TOut[]
function my_map($arr, $callback) {
  /** @var TOut[] */
  $result = [];
  foreach ($arr as $k => $v)
    $result[$k] = $callback($v);
  return $result;

KPHP will not only infer TElem, but also TOut (as a return value of a lambda) when calling it:

$strs = my_map([1,2,3], fn($i) => (string)$i);      // my_map<int, string>
foreach (map(getArr(), fn($i) => getA($i)) as $a)   // my_map<int, A>

@return T::field

Suppose you have several classes

class ValueInt { public int $value; }
class ValueArrayString { /** @var string[] */ public $value; }
// ...

And you want to declare

// pseudocode
function getValueOf<T>($obj): ??? {
  return $obj->value;

What @return should be like? We want to express “a function returns a type that T::value has”.

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T $obj
 * @return T::value
function getValueOf($obj) {
  return $obj->value;

@return T::method()

The same as above, but

class ValueInt { public getValue(): int { ... } }
class ValueArrayString { /** @return string[] */ public getValue() { ... } }

We want to express “a function returns a type that T::getValue() returns”.

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param T $obj
 * @return T::getValue()
function getValueOf($obj) {
  return $obj->getValue();

Variadic generics f<…T>

You can declare a function that accepts arbitrary number of arguments as a variadic parameter:

 * @kphp-generic ...T
 * @param T ...$args
function f(...$args) { }  

Internally, when f() is called with N arguments, $args is replaced with N copies. E.g., N=2:

f(new A, new B);        // N = 2
// actually creates
function f_n2<T1, T2>(T1 $args_1, T2 $args_2) {
  // body is cloned, $args is replaced with flat copies
// and calls
f_n2<A, B>(new A, new B);

There is a limited number of valid operations you can perform over $args:

  • forward to another function via g(...$args)
  • concat into an array via [...$args]

More precisely, $args is replaced with N copies of arguments, and this replacement is correct in a limited number of constructions.

Variadic generics are useful to express proxy functions that pass parameters to other functions as-is or with slight modifications. Here are examples of simple forwarding, appending and prepending:

 * @kphp-generic ...TArg
 * @param TArg ...$args
function forwardToG(...$args) {
  log("call g n=" . count($args));
  g(...$args);      // actually replaced by g($args_1, $args_2, ... args_N)

 * @kphp-generic ...TMore
 * @param TMore ...$more
function prependIntToG(int $first, ...$more) {
  g($first, ...$args);

 * @kphp-generic T, ...TArg
 * @param T $append
 * @param TArg ...$args
function appendSomethingToG($append, ...$args) {
  g(...[...$args, $append]);
  // actually replaced by g(...[$args_1, $args_2, ... args_N, $append])

Note, that g() is not required to accept a variadic parameter, because unpacking a fixed-size array to positional arguments is valid both in PHP and KPHP.

function g(int $a, int $b, int $c = 0) {}

// ok, g(1, 2, 0)

// ok, g(...[$args]) for N=3 is g(...[$args_1, $args_2, $args_3])
// correctly unpacked to g($args_1, $args_2, $args_3)  
forwardToG(1, 2, 3);

A /*<...*>/ syntax also works with variadic generics and helps in cases when Ts can't be auto reified:

variadicF/*<A>*/(null);                         // actually, variadicF_n1<A>
variadicF/*<A, B, ?int>*/(null, null, null);    // actually, variadicF_n3<A, B, ?int>

new $class, $class::method(), etc.

PHP allows to create a class by name / call a method by name. Generally, KPHP does not, but in case of generics, it works. If $class is a compile-time known class-string<T>, it's possible to use such constructions:

 * @kphp-generic T
 * @param class-string<T> $class_name
function demo($class_name) {
  $obj = new $class_name;         // ok
  $class_name::staticMethod();    // also ok

demo(A::class);     // actually, demo<A>('A')
demo(B::class);     // actually, demo<B>('B')

Here it's possible because $class is compile-time known, everything is statically resolved.

This gives you an ability to write wrappers around constructors:

 * @kphp-generic TCreated
 * @param class-string<TCreated> $cn
 * @return TCreated
function createAndCheckValid(string $cn, int $arg) {
  $obj = new $cn($arg);
  if (!$obj->isValid()) {
    throw new RuntimeException("Object($cn) is not valid for arg=$arg");
  return $obj;

You can pass here any classes accepting int in constructor and having isValid() method.

Combined with variadic generics this feature becomes much more powerful:

class A {
  function __construct() { ... }
  function init() { ... }

class B {
  function __construct(int $a) { ... }
  function init() { ... }

class C {
  function __construct(A $a, ?B $b) { ... }
  function init() { ... } 

 * @kphp-generic T, ...TArg
 * @param class-string<T> $class_name
 * @param TArg ...$args
 * @return T
function createAndInit($class_name, ...$args) {
  $obj = new $class_name(...$args);
  return $obj;

createAndInit(B::class, 10);
createAndInit(C::class, new A, new B(0));

If generic Ts can't be auto-reified by arguments, they could be provided manually, as before:

// without a hint, it's impossible to guess what 'null' means
createAndInit/*<C, A, B>*/(C::class, null, null);

Same for wrappers around calling any static method:

 * @kphp-generic T, ...TArg
 * @param class-string<T> $class_name
 * @param TArg ...$args
function calcAndCheckGreater0($class_name, ...$args): int {
  $res = $class_name::calcCoeff(...$args);
  if ($res <= 0) {
    log("Unexpected coeff=$res for $class_name");
  return $res;

These syntax constructions would work:

  • new $class (probably with arguments)
  • $class::staticMethod() (probably with arguments)
  • $class::CONST
  • $class::$STATIC_FIELD (even for writing)

$class::instanceMethod() does not work, and should not.
$class::$dynamic_method() also does not, a method name should be compile-time known.

A problem with null

KPHP tries no auto-reify Ts when you pass arguments to generic functions. f(3) is reified as f<int>(3), and similar. But KPHP can do nothing about f(null), since null is not a type, it's a flag of any null-containing type.

In case you want to pass nulls, you should manually provide /*<...>*/ at the point of instantiation:


If null is one of the arguments, and others are correctly reified, you should nevertheless pass all Ts manually, since it's the awaited syntax:

f/*<int, A, ?int>*/(0, new A, null);

If this becomes a frequent case, we could introduce something like f/<auto, auto, ?int>*/ or invent something better by integrating null into the type system.

By the way, true and false don't have such ambiguities, they are reified as bool.

A problem with primitives and variables

The point when we are instantiating generics is exactly the same point when we bind f() and $a->f() calls to real functions. In order to bind $a->f() to a function, we need to know the type of $a. To manage this, we use assumptions, which are based on variable names. For instance, if @param A $a exists, we know that $a is A.

All assumptions are calculated BEFORE type inferring. It's supposed that type inferring would afterward produce the same types. For instances, we can analyze simple expressions and use PHPDoc, but for primitives, it's generally wrong, as they can be splitted and smartcasted:

// php
function f(mixed $id) {
  $id = (int)$id;
  echo $id;

// c++
void f$f(mixed $id) {
  $id$v1 = (int)$id;
  echo $id$v1;

Here's the problem:

function f(mixed $id) {
  $id = (int)$id;
  eq($id);    // (1)

In (1), when instantiating generics, we can only rely on variable names, we don't know anything about vars split and smart casts, but taking mixed from an argument is wrong, as it would become int at that point later.

KPHP fires an error in all cases where primitives can potentially change their types:

Couldn't reify generic <T> for call.
Please, provide all generic types using syntax eq/*<T>*/(...)

The action you need to perform is to manually provide T:

function f(mixed $id) {
  $id = (int)$id;
  eq/*<mixed>*/($id); // or maybe you want this

Another example:

function f() {
  $id = ... ? 0 : null;
  eq($id);    // error, a variable with a primitive
  if ($id)
    eq($id);    // because it can be smart casted, like here

Such problem exists only with variables that contain primitives. For example, if a function returns a primitive or a field contains a primitive, everything works as expected, because they can't be smart casted:

eq(getInt());       // ok, eq<int>
eq($obj->str);      // ok, eq<str>
eq(8.4);            // ok, eq<float>
eq([1,2]);          // ok, eq<int[]>

$int = getInt();
eq($int);           // but it's an error

Nevertheless, as a special workaround, a PHP programmer can write @var to explicitly specify a type, then reification will find and use it:

/** @var int $int */
$int = getInt();
eq(int);            // ok, eq<int> because of @var

By the way, lambdas are the only exception, variables are taken from assumptions even regardless of smart casts, because in practice, it's very uncommon whey would be smart casted inside lambdas:

// it's map<int, int>, the second 'int' is a primitive-variable, but for lambdas it works
map([1,2,3], fn($i) => $i);

All in all,

  • passing instances works well
  • passing constants works well
  • passing fields/functions works well
  • passing variables (only with primitives) is tricky, but /*<T>*/ or @var helps

Constexpr switch

Suppose you want something like $factory->getInstance<T>(), to be used like


Here is a possible implementation:

 * @kphp-generic TService
 * @param class-string<TService> $serviceClass
 * @return TService
function getInstance(string $serviceClass) {
  switch ($serviceClass) {
  case FooService::class:
    return $this->foo ?? ($this->foo = $this->createFoo());
  case AnotherService::class:
    return $this->getAnother();
  // more services
  if (isset(self::HIDDEN[$serviceClass])) {
    throw new Exception("$serviceClass is private and can not be used");
  throw new Exception("$serviceClass not found");

It will work as expected, but to make it valid, KPHP performs a skilful trick. Let's see how getInstance<FooService> would look like:

function getInstance<FooService>(string $serviceClass = 'FooService'): FooService {
  switch ($serviceClass) {
  case FooService::class:
    // return FooService object, ok
  case AnotherService::class:
    // return another object, ERROR! types mismatch, FooService expected

As you see, without any modifications, the code is erroneous.

But we have a guarantee that $serviceClass is ‘FooService' in this cocrete generic specialization. In other terms, it's a constexpr compile-time known string. We have a switch over a constexpr string, so the only case is valid, which is also calculated at compile-time, so switch itself could be just replaced with a body of a true case, or default if all cases are false. Also, $serviceClass variable can not be modified.

KPHP automatically performs such transformations for switch over constexpr a string, with constexpr cases, where every non-empty case ends with break/return/throw. Constructions like if/else are not analyzed, so use such pattern for your scenarios.

Generic methods are allowed

Both static methods and instance methods could be made generic.

class Utils {
   * @kphp-generic T1, T2
   * @param T1 $o1
   * @param T2 $o2
  static function eq($o1, $o2): bool { ... }

Utils::eq(new A, new B);
Utils::eq/*<A, B>*/(null, null);

class StringVec {
  /** @var string[] */
  public int $items;

   * @kphp-generic T
   * @param T[] $arr
  function joinWith(array $arr) {
    foreach ($arr as $a)
      $this->items[] = (string)$a;

// there will be 4 actual methods emitted after generics instantiation
$vec->joinWith([new AHasToString]);

self can be used as extends hint and default hint for generic Ts.

Generic methods and inheritance

Interfaces can have generic methods, which may be overridden in child classes (and must also be generic). Since @param/@return are auto inherited, they could be omitted in child classes.

interface StringableWith {
   * @kphp-generic T
   * @param T $with
  function echoSelfWith($with);

class A implements StringableWith {
  /** @kphp-generic T */
  function echoSelfWith($with) {
    // $with is T
    echo "A and ", stringify($with), "\n";

Note, that regardless of PHPDoc inheritance, @kphp-generic is required for child methods. If omitted, it won't be treated as a generic function and will lead to compilation errors (inheriting a non-generic from generic).


KPHPStorm correctly handles T in PHPDocs, understands the /*<...>*/ syntax, automatically collapses such fragments, auto-reifies Ts according to the same rules to provide inferring, even for callables, warns if there is not enough information for reification, etc.

Generic classes like Container<T>

Proceed to the next page: Generic classes.