KPHP — a PHP compiler
KPHP basics
1. Installation
2. Compile a sample PHP script
3. Quickstart a new project
4. Compile your existing project
5. Typical usage issues
6. FAQ
7. What's new?
8. Roadmap
KPHP as a language
1. KPHP vs PHP differences
2. KPHP functions extending PHP
3. Available PHPDoc annotations
4. What exactly would be compiled?
5. Compiler command-line options
6. Benchmarks
PHP extensions for using KPHP
1. PHP polyfills
2. vkext
3. PHP snippets
4. FFI
Static typing and KPHP type system
1. Type inferring
2. PHPDoc to declare types
3. KPHP type system
4. Instances (objects)
5. Typed arrays
6. Casting types
7. Generic functions f<T>()
8. Generic classes C<T>
KPHPStorm — IDE plugin
Various “howto” solved by KPHP
1. Call a function by name
2. Serialization, msgpack
4. JSON encode and decode
4. PHPUnit, mocks, etc
5. Exceptions
6. Colored functions
7. Compile-time location
Best practices and optimization
1. Strict typing is performance
2. Async programming: coroutines
3. Parallelism: job workers
4. Shared memory across requests
5. Embedded profiler, like valgrind
6. Performance inspections
7. Examine codegenerated sources
8. Compiling huge projects
KPHP as a client
TL schema and RPC calls
1. TL schema basics
2. Untyped RPC
3. Typed RPC
4. tl2php
Working with external DBs
1. Invoking memcache(d)
2. Invoking MySQL
3. Invoking postgres / redis / etc
4. gRPC, protobuf
KPHP as a server
KPHP architecture as backend
1. KPHP is a web server
2. nginx streaming to KPHP
3. Combining KPHP and PHP code
Deploy and maintain
1. Strip a binary before deploying
2. Graceful restart
3. Runtime metrics and statsd
4. Logging
5. Mapping C++ trace to PHP code
Execution options
1. Server command-line options
2. Microservices
3. CLI mode
KPHP Internals
Implementation and architecture
1. Compiler
2. Runtime
3. Server
4. vkext
Developing and extending KPHP
1. Compiling KPHP from sources
2. Writing and running tests
3. kphp-diff-comparator tool
4. Contributing to KPHP
5. KPHP rewrite rules
KPHP — a PHP compiler
KPHP as a language
In this chapter,
you will see, when KPHP is faster than PHP — and why
you will understand, what PHP features aren't supported by KPHP — and why
you will decide, whether KPHP is worth trying
Let's start
KPHP vs PHP differences
KPHP functions extending PHP
Available PHPDoc annotations
What exactly would be compiled?
Compiler command-line options