Why can't KPHP overload functions

Imagine the following code:

$g1 = 0;
$g2 = 0.5;
function f($arg) {
  return $arg;
function setG1() {
  global $g1, $g2;
  $g1 = f($g2);
function setG2() {
  global $g1, $g2;
  $g2 = f($g1);

KPHP needs to infer types for $g1, $g2, $arg and f().

Now the algorithm works this way:

  • $g1 :: lca(int, f($g2)); $g2 :: lca(double, f($g1)); $arg :: lca(int, double);
  • $arg :: double
  • f() :: double
  • $g1 :: lca(int, double) = double
  • $g2 :: lca(double, double) = double

If we want to automatically generate overloads for f() — so that f($g1) and f($g2) would be probably different functions f??($g1) and f?($g2) — we need to infer these overloads exactly.

  • $g1 :: lca(int, f?($g2)); $g2 :: lca(double, f??($g1))
  • f?($g2) :: lca(double, f??($g1))
  • f??($g1) :: lca(int, f???($g2))
  • f???($g2) :: lca(double, lca(int, lca(double, f????($g1)))
  • f????($g1) :: lca(int, lca(double, lca(int, lca(double, lca(int, f?????($g2)))))
  • f?????($g2) :: lca(double, lca(int, lca(double, lca(int, lca(double, lca(int, lca(double, f??????($g1)))))))

In words: to infer the type of $g1, we need to know what overload of f($g2) to call, for this we need to know the type of $g2, for this we need to know what overload of f($g1) to call, for this we need to know the type of $g1. An infinite loop.

Type inferring assumes, that it is a convergent process. On every iteration, types become more concrete upwards the tree, while any types are changed.

That’s why overloading can’t be done, as soon as types are inferred by KPHP, not set by a developer.
Without apriori types information, it is a fundamental limitation.

In strictly typed languages we explicitly set types of arguments, returns, etc. — that exact apriori information. Heve we have PHP. Here we don't do it.
That's why type inferring exists, which is based on types generalization (lowest common ancestor — lca) and assuming it to be converged.