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Use hardware (host) metrics

Popular hardware (host) metrics are displayed in StatsHouse out of the box:

  • You can view them as individual metrics: host metric names begin with host_.
  • You can view them on the Hardware info dashboard:

Find the host metrics implementation on GitHub.

Learn how to use tags for the host metrics.

Find the full list of host metrics in the table below.


The descriptions are now copied from GitHub and will be updated later with more detail as well as tag information.

#Metric nameDescription
1host_cpu_usageThe number of seconds the CPU has spent performing different kinds of work
2host_softirqTotal number of software interrupts in the system
3host_irqTotal number of interrupts in the system
4host_context_switchTotal number of context switch in the system
5host_mem_usageAmount of free and used memory in the system
6host_mem_writebackWriteback/Dirty memory
7host_block_io_timeThe amount of time to transfer data to and from disk. Count - number of operations, Value - wait time for handle operations
8host_block_io_sizeThe amount of data transferred to and from disk. Count - number of operations, Value - size
9host_disk_usageDisk space utilization
10host_inode_usageThe number of free and used inodes in a filesystem
11host_system_uptimeThe amount of time the system has been running
12host_system_process_createdNumber of processes and threads created
13host_system_process_statusNumber of processes currently blocked, waiting IO or running on CPUs
14host_system_psi_cpuPSI for CPU (some, full)
15host_system_psi_memPSI for memory
16host_system_psi_ioPSI for IO
17host_net_packetNumber of transferred packets grouped by protocol
18host_net_errorNumber of network errors
19host_net_bandwidth" // totalTotal bandwidth of all physical network interfaces. Count - number of packets, Value - number of bytes
20host_net_dev_bandwidthTotal bandwidth of all physical network interfaces. Count - number of packets, Value - number of bytes
21host_net_dev_errorCount of receive/transmit errors
22host_net_dev_dropCount of packets dropped while receiving/transmitting
23host_socket_memoryThe amount of memory used by TCP sockets in all states
24host_tcp_socket_statusThe number of TCP socket grouped by state
25host_tcp_socket_memoryThe amount of memory used by sockets
26host_socket_usedThe number of socket in inuse state grouped by protocol
27host_page_faultThe number of page fault
28host_paged_memoryThe amount of memory paged from/to disk
29host_oom_killThe number of OOM
30host_numa_eventsNUMA events
31host_dmesg_eventsdmesg events
32host_oom_kill_detailedThe number of killed OOM processes (tagged by process)

How to use tags for the hardware (host) metrics

To configure tag values for the host metrics, use the optional --env-file-path parameter when starting the agent.

The default file is /etc/statshouse_env.yml. You can specify your YAML file as the command line parameter:

--env-file-path my_env.yml

In this file, specify the values for the standard host metric tags.

For your convenience, define the way the teams in your organization name the tag values. For example, all the teams should use the production value — not the prod, Production, etc.